Rana Plaza Tragedy in Bangladesh

Rana Plaza, is a name of a cursed multi-storied building of Bangladesh. The building suddenly  collapsed on April 24, 2013 and claim more than 1200 lives. Near about 3000 people were injured in this disaster. It is considered as a most deadliest multi-storied building accident in the history.

It was a eight-story building in Sabar in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The building contained garment factories, apartments, shops and a bank. During the disaster about 5000 people had been in employment in several flours, offices and shops. The Owner of the building was a local leader of Bangladesh Juboleage (BJL), youth front of the ruling Awamileage political party named Sohel Rana. It is known that he was a dishonest and also an addicted man.

In fact, none can forget this accident of building collapse. It seems that, many cry heart out still now remembering the unexpected disaster of that time. Really it was a most grievous incident in Bangladesh.
(to be continued) 

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