Shibonat-Shiboram-Twin-Born Brother in India

Shibonat and shiboram are twin born brother. They have two head and two leg but their hands are four. They have already passed still 12 years with joy in this way. They do everything them self. The most wonderful matter that they go to school riding bicycle own self. If they want, they can be divided by operation in any time. But they don't want to be divided from mutual at all. As it were their mind has bound like their body. 

Hence, Shibonat and Shiboram want to remain till the last moment of their life in this way.
Their full name-Shinat Shagu and Shiboram Shagu. They born in the village of Balodabazar Lavan at the distance of 100 kilometers from Rayfur of middle India. They born in being added from waist. From that time the villagers consider them as a Devta (godhead). 

Shibinat and Shiboram read together 
Shibinat and Shiboram walk together

Their father name is Raj Kumar and Mother name is Srimoti. Their father is a day-laborer. They live from hand-to-mouth. They have plunged with serious tension seeing the condition of their off-springs. They remain on run to hospital from day to day. One day a Doctor said them , "There is very risk to divide them from mutual, since they are very little."  "But it is possible to do this at the age of 12 years of them." After that the father and mother wait for the time. When Shibonat and Shiboram do all works together they are pleased looking these. But they can't free from anxieties.

Shibonat and Shiboram go out with their parents.
The two brother said, "We want to live together in this way. We don't want to be divided from mutual at all. We want to be old in this way." 

Shibonat and Shiboram study
Their father Raj Kumar said, " Allah (God) has created them in this style. So, I will do this what they want. If they pleased reaming together, I also pleased. I don't want anything more than this."

Shinat and Shiboram Exercise together
" If the Doctor will say to divide to Shibonat  and Shiboram, I will not do this. I have no interest for money at all. I have nourished and brought up them and I will do in future too. I have no need to money. They are very good in study." he added.

Shibonat and Shiboram in leisure
A local Doctor said, "Shibinat and Shiboram are fully sound. Their Brain, Lungs and Heart are two but stomach is one. If they want, they can be divided. But they don't want to leave to mutual." 
Shibonat is some feeble between two but he also is blithe like the other. They play, eat and do all works together with confidently and blissfully. 

Shinat and Shiboram eat together
It may be mention that, such a baby is born in a 50 thousand in the world.

Really their life is too much miracle. We, who are living today with sound body should praise of Almighty Allah for our well condition. Alhumdulilah....

Shibonat and Shiboram play together with other
image source:internet

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