'Elephant Man' With 25 kg Facial Tumour !

Recently a man who looks like an elephant has returned to normal life by a critical operation to remove of world’s biggest facial tumour. The 37 years old man from Hunan Province, China’s name is Huang Chuncai. Unlucky the man was called as China’s ‘elephant man’.

  According to ‘The Telegraph’ that Huang had a mammoth tumour of 25 kg weights in his face that hung down to his waist. He would walk, eat and sleep with it. It has been known that the tumour in his face is grown since the age of seven. But Huang was left untreated for 30 years because of his parents could not afford medical treatment. 

After media coverage in 2007 of Huang’s plight the China government took the initiative to make its operation. The doctors of Fuda Cancer Hospital could not be able to fulfill facial surgery due to the size of the tumour. However, the surgeons managed to remove 21kg from 25 kg of the massive facial deformity. So it has been relieved of his movement.

It may be mentioned that, we should give lot, lot and lot of thanks to Almighty Allah (God) for our beautiful face, sound body and peaceful life. Because of if Allah would to make also us as Huang Chuncai, he could do it very easily, but he didn’t it. Remember it is the very much mercifulness of Almighty Allah to us. So we all should praise boundless of Allah.

We hope for soundness of his body.


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