A Malignant For Humanity
"Jungle Justice" is a extra-judicial killing that is occurred in south Africa to a great extent. It is a dangerous problem in Africa. At present, it is a matter of much anxiousness to us as a civilized nation of the third world.
Now a days it has become a social disease in South Africa specially Nigeria and it is increasing day by day.
Jungle Justice is a recurrent matter in Nigeria. Just
like in Nigeria
these acts of Jungle Justice are very common in Douala of Cameroon.
But Nigeria is quite vulnerability of the areas for Jungle justice. It is a situation that needs to be curb urgently. Almost on a daily basis, there are cases of killing and abuse of alleged thieves and criminals.
Actually what is it? Jungle justice or Mob Justice?
Some called it a Mob Justice.
Because of, it's seen that wherever the illegal occurrences of Jungle Justice are occurred, almost of times some unknown persons like mobster participate and play leading roll there, who are also connected with the misdeeds such steel, robbery even murder in the society.
Indeed, there are no barbarities and savagery including lace into victims ferociously till death, burn alive, throw into the jaws of death, throwing stones to death, poke by spears and sharp sticks, commit injured all over the bodies by razor-blade and dagger etc., tyrannize over the weak, drag and pull committing rope victims off, hang upside down binding hand and foot and even slaughtering are occurred regularly in jungle Justice.
In fact, these terrible misdeeds of Jungle Justice have gradually become a easy matter of life in Nigeria as people or communities take law into their hands. Now we know that there are no dependable statistics or numbers regarding Jungle Justice occurrences in Nigeria, but what we do know is that has been happening for decades there.
There are variant reasons behind Jungle Justice. The main reason of them is, the people feel that those who commit the crimes like steel, robbery, burglary are not been punished enough and they never have their full prison sentence.
Moreover the people feel that it may be not taken any effective measures by the police against the accused. They do not trust the administration. In fact, the people have lost faith in the Police force and the judicial system long time ago.
Perhaps, that being the reasons, the crime wave like Jungle Justice is recurring in Nigeria and some other areas of the country.
Interesting matter that, in Nigeria, if one takes a robbery suspect to the police station, the same suspect comes back for his head the next day.
Although there is no legal perspective of these acts in spite of that such terrific acts have been occurring for long day in a carefree in Nigeria.
It appears that, a wonderful cruelty is eclipsing their humanity day by day.
It may be mentioned that, recently occurred of Jungle Justice that the brutally killings of four students of the University of Port Harcourt by mobsters accused of theft has severely distressed us. That which has occurred on October 5th,2012, sadly warns us the practice of Jungle Justice is so flourished in Nigeria.
Over the years same incidents of Judging and putting to death without a legal trial are occurred daily countrywide.
We are dumfounded that there are happening such barbarism still in the Modern World.
In any case, It have to close the Jungle Justice for human being and human kind. We don’t support the inhuman punishment system at all. This is barbarism, unacceptable and uncalled for! Even the name “Jungle Justice” sounds very barbaric. It is a just rude also.
Indeed, everybody on earth needs a second change. At least someone could preaching and pray for him before his death. But Jungle Justice can never serve as a deterrent to criminals. There is a thing of "Human Rights" that is "inborn right" of everyone.
Moreover everybody have right to live but nobody has right to kill anyone in the world. Also everybody have right to get legal justice here. The system is gifted by Allah. Even the Nigerian Constitution states in Chapter 4, Section 33 (1) that “Every person has a right to life, and no one shall be deprived intentionally of his life, save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence of which he has been found guilty in Nigeria.” But this constitutional provision on fundamental human rights no longer seems to have any impact in Nigeria today.
It creates question that, how can a person participate in such a barbaric manner! Could any ease man support it? I think, nobody could support it accept the man of mentally disabled. I think also if one keep malting out Jungle Justice he can never progress as a human.
A comment about the Jungle Justice in a forum has pleased me very much that "what kind of messages are we sending to the children? Hey honey! come outside and see a person being burnt alive. Does it ever occur the parents that the child witnessing this thing might have nightmares?"
Regrettably, Jungle Justice has claimed the lives of several
innocent people. Though Some might have offended but the judgment given to them
may be far more than they bargained for.
However, It must stop quickly. It must remember that if fail to solve it at once, this problem may out of controlled in near future. In this regards people must be conscious about the bad effects of the Jungle Justice to a great extend.
However, It must stop quickly. It must remember that if fail to solve it at once, this problem may out of controlled in near future. In this regards people must be conscious about the bad effects of the Jungle Justice to a great extend.
Moreover, the Jungle Justice should be recognized as a crime immediately and the law should be made that the penalty for such crimes in the Federal Laws of the country.
Otherwise, it will turn worse by the absence and lack of recognition as a crime that is not desire to us at all.
We hope and prayers that the Nigerians can have a specific law in this respect in order to nip this canker in the bud.
we don't support steel,robbery but we don't accept jungle justice too.
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