Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg's Octopus Cartoon

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Recently a debated news spread in almost of all media in the world that become a cause of mental pain. The news is, A German cartoonist named Burkhard Mohr draw an objectionable picture of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, which is absolutely improper.

Oldest Bird WISDOM Gives Birth Chick

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The most oldest wild bird in the world WISDOM has given birth to a chick hatching egg. Wisdom birds are included in the Laysan Albatross species and seabird. It is 62 years old. In the age of this time the bird has become mother approximately for 35th time. In the earlier of this month the bird gives birth the healthy chick at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge between Hawaii and Japan.

786-Non Islamic Symbol

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let me clear this thing out here its  important....this misunderstanding of people saying 786 means Bissmillah is utterly wrong!! - Dr. Zakir Naik

786 is known to be the symbolic representation of Arabic 'Bismillah'. But no Islamic scholar so far has been able to explain from where this number originated 786 is not mentioned in the Holly Quran or Holly Hadith.

But it is very sorrowful that, though there is no evidence of the significance of the number "786" in Islam yet we see many Muslims use the number in place of 'Bismillah' (In the name of Allah).

Men Raped by Women

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Usually we all know that men rape women. This is also possible to a man. I mean, though it is illegal but it possible to committing rape by a man. But when we hear that women rape men, then it is really difficult to accept to us. Indeed, recently such the unacceptable and unbelievable sexual violence are occurring unhesitatingly in some country in the world.

Newborn Baby Named 'Facebook' in Mexico

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The name "Facebook" was given by an Mexican couple in Sonora to their newborn baby for pleasure. But the jestless local authority obstructs their pleasure. 

The regional government bans 61 names including 'Facebook' to prevent from naming children odd names in Mexico. According to yahoo news that, it is clear that there is at least one baby in Sonora town named 'Facebook'. The civil registry distribute a list of such odd names to its local offices around the state of Sonora that has been primarily drawn up from a revision of records of names registered in the past.

Useful Photo Editing Site

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Welcome everybody. Today here I have published a little but important post for you. It's seen that many person seek good photo editing site in online. Specially who work over photo editing. I think this post will be helpful for them. Moreover now-a-days photo editing work is getting importance

Reason of IT Lag Behind in Bangladesh

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The prospect of IT in Bangladesh are very miserable and despondent. The develop countries are using IT in almost every sector and going ahead more and more day by day. But in Bangladesh, IT still lags far behind.

Complaint of A Syrian Child

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"I will say all to Allah"- One baby's complaint bleeds million hearts.
A Syrian child say such prayer to Allah (God) against oppression to Muslims around the world that have emotional conscientious people. The action of his pathetic outcry caused extremely heart bleeding of billions people after disclosure in social media.

'February''-Month of Bloodshed for Language

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The language movement is a very important event in the history of Bengali nation as well as the world history. Bengali is our mother tongue. We have shedded a lot of blood and sacrificed many lives in 1952 to establish Bengali language. in Bangladesh. In history no nation in the world shedded blood except Bangladesh. In this respect, our mother tongue is exceptional in comparison to other language in the world.

Valentin's Day And Islam

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It is not that Islam doesn't believe in love so Muslims don't celebrate Valentines Day and the likes. Rather, the concept of love is SO STRONG in Islam that it refuses to acknowledge anything that downgrades and cheapens this wonderful emotion.